I raised 4 children into adults and I am (seriously, how did this happen?) a pawpaw nine times over! I have five sisters, no brothers and so appropriately, I am bald. Raised on Belvidere Ave. by Charlie and Rosemary Patterson in the Hilltop community of Columbus, Ohio, I am a product of Columbus City Schools. I began at Highland Elementary in 1970, on to Hilltonia Junior High School, transferred to Westmoor Junior High School (due to desegregation) and then graduated from Columbus West High School in 1983. I attended (but did not graduate from) Ohio Dominican University as a communications/theater major. Eventually I attended and graduated from the American School of Broadcasting and began working in radio in 1990. In 2003 I attended Hondros College of Business, for my real estate training and credentials and I became a licensed Realtor® in 2003.
Former Volunteer at Crossroads World Outreach Ministires
Former elected member and chair of Greater Hilltop Area Commission
Former president Greater Hilltop Resource Center (defunct)
Former elected member and chair Southfield Village Homeowner Association
Former member Columbus Commission on Ethics and Values (Administration of Mayor Gregory S. Lashutka)
Former award-winning opinion columnist and community reporter for Messenger Newspapers of Columbus
Former humor columnist for Columbus Personal Business Monitor magazine (defunct)
I have had the honor of being recognized on several occasions by both Columbus City Council and the Ohio Legislature for public service works.
Served as a board member of Youthbuild Columbus charter school. Served as a board member for Imagine Schools Harrisburg Academy and Sullivant Academy charter schools.